BLMLA Actions/Events (7/22/2024-7/29/2024)

Tuesday, 7/23/2024 11AM - Demand a Freedom Campus after Police Violence at Cal State LA, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles - Join BLM Grassroots in supporting the Freedom Campus demands issued as a settlement offer by Melina Abdullah following the brutal assault on her by campus police in 2022. The university rejected every single point in the offer, including requiring permission or a warrant for campus police to enter faculty offices, making campus events accessible to the university community, and divesting from weapons manufacturers. Administrators then leveraged another legal action that threatened Dr. Abdullah with personal financial liability to force her to drop her suit against them.

  • Wednesday, 7/24/2024 4PM - #EndPoliceAssociations Rally in the Name of #SonyaMassey at 1313 W. 8th Street - Rally in the name of #SonyaMassey, a Black mama killed in her own home by sheriffs in Springfield, Illinois! Sister Sonya’s killer is being protected by a police association that is a sister organization to the Los Angeles Police Protective League. Stand in her name and in the name of all our people stolen by police violence to #EndPoliceAssociations! Bring your voices and energy!

  • Saturday, 7/27/2024 8-10AM - This Is Not a Drill! on KBLA 1580 AM or - Tune in to This Is Not a Drill! every Saturday from 8-10 AM. This week, we’re scheduled to talk about the countywide effort to move funds away from jails and sheriffs and toward systems of care through Reimagine LA, spearheaded by our own Megan Castillo. Join the #MoreThanAHashtag conversation with the family of #FrankTyson.

  • Sunday, 7/28/2024, 4-6PM - Rally for #YongYang at Liberty Park, 3700 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles - Yong Yang, a 40-year-old K-Town resident, was shot and killed by LAPD in his family home during a mental health crisis. The Yang family and Korean organizers are requesting support from BLMLA and have been at weekly Black Lives Matter protests to stand in solidarity. Join the demand for justice, accountability, and systemic change in Yong Yang’s name. Please bring water, drums, megaphones, and speakers to support the rally.


  • At the LAPC Commission last Tuesday, Black Lives Matter-LA, Stop LAPD Spying, White People 4 Black Lives, LA CAN, and allies called out the LA Police Commission for refusing to hold killer cops accountable after they steal our loved ones and take much-needed resources away from our community.

  • Last Wednesday’s #EndPoliceAssociations rally marked the third one of the month, featuring drumming by Project Knucklehead! The families of #SkyYoung, #VanessaMarquez, #JamesMincey, and #YongYang were all present. We took to the streets to protest against the Los Angeles Police Protective League and all police associations.

  • On our radio program, This Is Not a Drill!, aired live on KBLA 1580 AM last Saturday, Pastor Cue JnMarie hosted with Kim Holmes in the co-host chair. They were joined by our own Dr. Melina Abdullah to talk about Project 2025 and other Republican antics used to oppress Black people in this country. The mother of #JabrilRobinson served as our #MoreThanAHashtag conversation, talking about Jabril’s life and her continued fight to bring him justice. Missed it? Watch here or listen to BLM’s This Is Not a Drill! wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Last Thursday, BLMLA joined a press conference to announce that LA Deputy Sheriff Ty Shelton has finally “been relieved of duty” after murdering Black mama #NianiFinlayson in front of her 9-year-old daughter last December. This comes after months of protest and organized actions in Niani’s name. Next up, we demand that Ty Shelton be prosecuted.


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