Press Policy
We make every effort to respond to media requests within 24 hours, usually less. Our members have their own voices and can speak for themselves as individuals, however, official Black Lives Matter statements must come from chapter or Network designees. We are also able to connect media with many of the families and loved ones of those killed by police.
Who We Get Down With
White People 4 Black Lives
White People 4 Black Lives (WP4BL) is a white anti-racist collective and activist project of AWARE. We also operate within a national network of white anti-racists called Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ). Our work includes acting in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives, Black Lives Matter: Los Angeles, and other partners.
LA Community Action Network
The mission of the Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN) is to help people dealing with poverty create & discover opportunities, while serving as a vehicle to ensure we have voice, power & opinion in the decisions that are directly affecting us.
Centro Community Service Organization
Centro CSO organizes for the rights of the undocumented, quality public education, and supporting, in solidarity, other communities seeking social justice
Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
The coalition works to advance public participation and dialogue on police spying and surveillance, demystifying the issues and helping people relate to them personally. The Coalition also exposes the ways in which LAPD monitors Angelenos and how communities of color, poor people, Muslims, and formerly incarcerated folks are targeted in particular, and leads efforts to fight back.
Schools LA Students Deserve
Youth, families, educators and community members are coming together to build a new vision of education and society. We are working together because we know our communities have the power to transform our schools and our society. Our voices matter and they need to be heard. We want students in LA to attain skills, literacy in all subjects and become self-motivated, critical thinkers and participants in their schools and communities. Students need to be able to build skills in a nourishing environment and be prepared for their lives when they leave school.
Justice Teams Network
Across the state and the country grassroots organizations and nonprofits are working to identify effective models for preventing – and responding to – state violence. Often this work happens in silos with limited resources and visibility. The Justice Teams Network aims to change that by connecting organizations and groups committed to eradicating state violence from our communities within a powerful network that shares resources, information, and campaign strategy in real time; strengthening impact and resilience.
Youth Justice Coalition
The Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) is working to build a youth, family, and formerly and currently incarcerated people’s movement to challenge America’s addiction to incarceration and race, gender and class discrimination in Los Angeles County’s, California’s and the nation’s juvenile and criminal injustice systems. The YJC’s goal is to dismantle policies and institutions that have ensured the massive lock-up of people of color, widespread law enforcement violence and corruption, consistent violation of youth and communities’ Constitutional and human rights, the construction of a vicious school-to-jail track, and the build-up of the world’s largest network of jails and prisons.