Sign Petitions to Free Political Prisoners

Black Lives Matter Los Angeles supports the release of three unjustly incarcerated political prisoners.

    ”Ruchell is currently on the mainline of Lancaster State Prison doing his 54th year in California gulags – many of those years spent in solitary confinement under tortuous conditions, despite having no assault or murder convictions!”

    ”Imam Jamil Al-Amin, formerly H. Rap Brown civil rights leader and humanitarian, was convicted of a murder he did not commit in 2002."

    ”Dr. Shakur has received a diagnosis of life-threatening advanced bone marrow cancer. He had already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and glaucoma. In 2013, he suffered from a stroke that required several months for recovery. In 2019 he experienced increasing pain; after months of medical neglect, advanced bone marrow cancer was diagnosed. Now Mutulu is suffering from extensive painful bone lesions, caused by the growth of the bone marrow cancer in parts of his spine, ribs and pelvis. The cancer has also destroyed a large area of bone around his right 7th rib, replacing bone with cancer cells, creating a propensity to break. Dr. Shakur is 69 years old, and aging in prison after 34 years of incarceration. He needs treatment and recovery in humane conditions immediately.”

Join us in supporting the release of these political prisoners.

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