Weekly Email Highlights 8/10/2020


 60 SECONDS FOR JUSTICE: Quick Things You Can Do Right Now

1.     SIGN AND SHARE the petitions to free political prisoners Ruchell Magee, Imam Jamil Al-Amin and Dr. Mutulu Shakur.

2.     CALL AND TWEET Governor Newsom and tell him to “Sign AB 1460 to make Ethnic Studies a California State University requirement.” 916-445-2841 @cagovernor

3.     CALL AND EMAIL CA Assemblymembers Ian Calderon 916-319-2057 assemblymember.calderon@assembly.ca.gov, Reggie Jones-Sawyer 916-319-2059 assemblymember.jones-sawyer@assembly.ca.gov, Anthony Rendon 916-319-2063 assemblymember.rendon@assembly.ca.gov. and tell them “Don’t play politics with Black lives; advance SB 731.”

4.     DONATE to the Michael O.D. Brown Foundation, built by his mother, Lezley McSpadden, in honor of his life and the struggle that he inspired.

5.    WRITE messages of hope, love, and support to Ruchell Magee, the longest-held political prisoner in the U.S:

Ruchell Magee #A92051 #T 115
California Medical Facility
P.O. Box 2000
Vacaville, CA 95696-2000

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