Weekly Email Highlights 11/1-11/8/2020

·     Sunday, 11/1/2020 12noon – Get Out the Vote Rally at the Baldwin Hills-Crenshaw Mall, 3650 W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. (Walmart upper level parking lot, enter from Stocker) – In partnership with BLD PWR and Downtown Crenshaw, we’ll have food, entertainment, speakers, and great energy as we rally for justice and get out the vote! Lots of surprises in store. After the rally, let’s walk the neighborhoods and inform our folks about the terrible record of the current District Attorney and why #JackieLaceyMustGo. Snacks, walk material, great people, and good convo provided! 

·     Sunday, 11/1/2020 4PM –  Dia de los Muertos at Self-Help Graphics on YouTube – BLMLA’s Arts and Culture team has lovingly constructed an altar as part of Self-Help Graphic’s annual commemoration to honor our loved ones who are no longer living. Join the virtual program via  youtube.

·     Monday, 11/2/2020 5:30-7:30PM – BLM #YesOnJ FINAL Phonebank – Join Kendrick Sampson, actor, activist and co-founder of BLD PWR, as BLMLA, WP4BL, and allies make calls to ensure that Measure J passes! Measure J will ensure that at least $500 million in permanent, additional County funding goes to housing, healthcare, good jobs and resources that contribute to truly safe communities. Register at tinyurl.com/HellYesOnJ.

·     Tuesday 11/3/2020 7AM-8PM – Election Day Marathon at the Polls at Staples Center! – Join BLMLA, BLD PWR and our partner organizations for music, giveaways, entertainment, and food as we take it to the polls for Election Day! We’ll be there ALL day…7AM to 8PM. Join at 8AM to meet the cast of the hit television series Good Trouble. Throughout the day come meet Ava DuVernay, Kendrick Sampson, Darius McCrary, and lots more! VOTE on, or before, November 3rd!

·     Wednesday, 11/4/2020 3PM – #JackieLaceyWILLGo at the Hall of (In)Justice, 211 W. Temple, DTLA – We’re anticipating a CELEBRATION! First gathering in front of Jackie Lacey’s office after we VOTE HER OUT! Join the families of those killed by law enforcement…in whose names we struggle. Let’s honor more than three years of work invested in ousting the most corrupt and problematic DA in the nation.

·     Thursday, 11/5/2020 7PM – This Is Not a Drill! Election Debrief on facebook.com/blmla – Let’s talk about the election outcome and what it means for Black people! Invited  guests include: Dr. Greg Carr (Howard University), Dr. Regina Freer (Occidental College), and Cat Brooks (Anti Police-Terror Project). Our own Dr. Melina Abdullah will host!

·     Sunday, 11/8/2020 7PM – BLMLA General Meeting at McCarty Memorial Church, 4101 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles – Join us for our monthly general meeting as we celebrate victories at the polls and discuss the need for continued organizing. As always, the meeting is open to ALL Black folks, non-Black allies, new people, returning folks, elders, youth, and families. Closed to law enforcement, media, elected officials, and their staff, and haters. Delicious, vegan dinner provided. Donations are welcome, but not required.

Megan Castillo