Weekly Email Highlights 11/8-11/15/2020

This Week’s BLMLA Actions/Events (11/8-11/15/2020):
· Sunday, 11/8/2020 7PM – BLMLA General Meeting at McCarty Memorial Church, 4101 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles – Join us for our general monthly meeting as we celebrate victories at the polls and discuss the need for continued organizing. As always, the meeting is open to ALL Black folks, non-Black allies, new people, returning folks, elders, youth, and families. Closed to law enforcement, media, elected officials, and their staff, and haters. Delicious, vegan dinner provided. Donations welcomed, but not required.
· Monday, 11/9/2020 7PM – BLMLA Meeting with DA-Elect George Gascon on facebook.com/blmlaThe day that the election was called, District Attorney-elect Gascon reached out for his first public meeting with Black Lives Matter and the families of those killed by police. Because of COVID-19 considerations, the in-person meeting will be restricted to families and core organizers; however, everyone is invited to join us on Facebook Live.
· Tuesday, 11/10/2020 9:30AM – Los Angeles Police Commission Meeting on Zoom at https://lapd.zoom.us/s/289225944 – Tuesday is the deadline to make public comment about police stops and searches (which continue to target Black people). Please use the “raise hand” function to speak. To participate by phone, call (855) 880-1246, Meeting ID: 289 225 944. Press *9 to be put in the cue for public comment.
· Tuesday, 11/10/2020 9:30AM – Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Meeting Online at https://bos.lacounty.gov/Board-Meeting/Live-Broadcast – Item 16 is a motion that would empower the Board of Supervisors to impeach and remove the Sheriff. Los Angeles County Sheriff has a long history of corruption and is especially egregiousness under Sheriff Villanueva. BLMLA, ACLU, and National Lawyers Guild have issued a formal complaint to the State Attorney General, requesting an independent investigation. Please make public comment IN SUPPORT of the motion introduced by Mark Ridley-Thomas and Sheila Kuehl.
· Tuesday, 11/10/2020 7PM – Torrance City Council Meeting for #ChristopherDeAndreMitchell at TorranceCA.gov and facebook.com/TorranceCA/ - To make a public comment during the meeting, call 310-618-2404 or you can email your comment in by 3pm to CouncilMeetingPublicComment@TorranceCA.gov. Please make comments demanding justice for #ChristopherDeandreMitchell, who was killed on December 9, 2018 by Torrance police officers Anthony Chavez and Matthew Concannon. The officers still haven’t been fired or prosecuted and Torrance still has no civilian review board to hold police accountable.
· Thursday, 11/11/2020 7PM – This Is Not a Drill! “Stopping Gentrification, Reclaiming Black Community.” facebook.com/blmla – Join us as we talk about how to push back against gentrification and reclaim Black spaces in Los Angeles and nationally. Invited guests include New York State Assemblyman Charles Barron, New York City Councilwoman Inez Barron, founder of Downtown Crenshaw Damien Goodmon, and Downtown Crenshaw Chair Niki Okuk.

Megan Castillo