Weekly Email Highlights 10/5-10/12/2020

·     Tuesday, 10/6/2020 9:30AM – Los Angeles Police Commission Meeting on Zoom at https://lapd.zoom.us/s/289225944 – We are continuing to voice our outrage at the 45-minute limit for public comments. The Commission is using the pandemic-inspired virtual nature of the meetings to usher in undemocratic policies. Please use the “raise hand” function to speak. To participate by phone, call (855) 880-1246, Meeting ID: 289 225 944. Press *9 to be put in the cue for public comment.

·     Tuesday, 10/6/2020 7PM Torrance City Council Meeting for #ChristopherDeAndreMitchell at TorranceCA.gov and facebook.com/TorranceCA/ - To make a public comment during the meeting, call 310-618-2404 or you can email your comment in by 2PM PDT to CouncilMeetingPublicComment@TorranceCA.gov. Please make comments demanding justice for #ChristopherDeandreMitchell, who was killed on December 9, 2018 by Torrance police officers Anthony Chavez and Matthew Concannon. The officers still haven’t been fired or prosecuted and Torrance still has no civilian review board to hold police accountable.

·     Wednesday, 10/7/2020 3PM – #JackieLaceyMustGo, IN PERSON at 211 W.

Temple, DTLA – Major endorsers are backing away from Lacey. In the last week alone, she lost endorsements from Councilman Herb Wesson, Assemblyman Mike Gipson, and Mayor Eric Garcetti. Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas announced his support for Gascon. Let’s keep the momentum going! Hundreds of people consistently join the protests every Wednesday. We’ve been chanting #JackieLaceyMustGo, #JackieLaceyWILLGo for nearly three years now. With just four weeks to go until the election, let’s build energy to VOTE HER OUT ON NOVEMBER 3RD!

·     Thursday, 10/8/2020 7PM – This Is Not a Drill! “Yes on Prop 16 to Restore Affirmative Action” on facebook.com/BLMLA – We have an opportunity to restore affirmative action in California by passing Prop 16! Talking about the ballot proposition is its author, Assemblywoman Dr. Shirley Weber, along with our own Baba Akili, and invited renowned scholar Dr. Regina Freer. Our own Sister Melina will host. You don’t have to have Facebook to watch! Just go to the link!

·     Saturday, 10/10/2020 10AM – #BlackLivesMatter #JackieLaceyMustGo Phonebank with WP4BL – Phonebank this Saturday and every Saturday until election day to get District Attorney Jackie Lacey OUT! In solidarity with BLMLA and organized by White People 4 Black Lives. Sign up at bit.ly/JLMGphonebank.

·     Sunday, 10/11/2020 – #JackieLaceyMustGo Neighborhood Walk in the Antelope Valley – This Sunday and every Sunday until Election Day we will be walking neighborhoods and informing folks about why #JackieLaceyMustGo. This week we’ll be in the Antelope Valley with the family of #MichaelThomas, killed in June by LA County Sheriffs. *Sponsored by WP4BL. Sign up at tinyurl.com/JLMGWalks.

·     Sunday, 10/11/2020 – BLMLA General Meeting at Normandie Church of Christ, 6300 Normandie Ave., Los Angeles – Join us as we discuss the elections, what’s at stake, #JackieLaceyMustGo, and important ballot measures. As always, the meeting is open to ALL Black folks, non-Black allies/accomplices, families, elders, youth, new folks, and returning members/supporters. Light dinner provided along with free produce bags courtesy of Vegan Outreach. ASL interpretation provided by Pro Bono Interpreters. Donations are welcome, but not required. Closed to law enforcement, media, elected officials and their staff, and haters.

Megan Castillo