Weekly Email Highlights (9/28-10/5/2020)

This Week’s BLMLA Actions/Events (9/28-10/5/2020):

·     Monday, 9/28/2020 by 6PM – LAUSD School Board – Call (213) 443-4472) and email the School board at boardmembers@lausd.net by today at 6PM and tell them to fully defund LA School Police and invest in Black student. bit.ly/915schoolboardcomment

·     Tuesday, 9/29/2020 9:30AM – Los Angeles Police Commission Meeting on Zoom at https://lapd.zoom.us/s/289225944 – This week we are voicing our outrage at the 45-minute limit for public comments. The Commission is using the virtual nature of the meetings that the pandemic requires to usher in undemocratic policies. Please use the “raise hand” function to speak. To participate by phone, call (855) 880-1246, Meeting ID: 289 225 944. Press *9 to be put in the cue for public comment.

·     Tuesday, 9/29/2020 7PM Torrance City Council Meeting for #ChristopherDeAndreMitchell at TorranceCA.gov and facebook.com/TorranceCA/ - To make a public comment during the meeting, call 310-618-2404 or you can email your comment in by 3pm to CouncilMeetingPublicComment@TorranceCA.gov. Please make comments demanding justice for #ChristopherDeandreMitchell, who was killed on December 9, 2018 by Torrance police officers Anthony Chavez and Matthew Concannon. The officers still haven’t been fired or prosecuted and Torrance still has no civilian review board to hold police accountable.

·     Wednesday, 9/30/2020 3PM – #JackieLaceyMustGo, IN PERSON at 211 W.

Temple, DTLA – The refusal of Daniel Cameron to prosecute the police who murdered #BreonnaTaylor further illustrates the vital role that prosecutors play. We’ve been chanting #JackieLaceyMustGo, #JackieLaceyWILLGo for nearly three years now. With just over a month until the election, let’s build energy to VOTE HER OUT ON NOVEMBER 3RD!

·     Thursday, 10/1/2020 7PM – This Is Not a Drill! “Why Jackie Lacey Must Go” on facebook.com/BLMLA – Let’s talk about WHY Jackie Lacey Must Go…what it means that she has signed off on 621 of 622 murders by police on her watch. Invited guests include Trisha Michael, twin sister of #KishaMichael, Dr. Tabatha Jones Jolivet of BLMLA, Paula Minor of BLMLA, and Kendrick Sampson, actor and co-founder of BLD PWR. Our own Sister Melina will host. You don’t have to have Facebook to watch! Just go to the link!

·     Saturday, 10/3/2020 10AM – #BlackLivesMatter Jackie Lacey Must Go! Phonebank with WP4BL – Phonebank this Saturday and every Saturday until election day to get District Attorney Jackie Lacey OUT! In solidarity with BLMLA and organized by White People 4 Black Lives. Sign up at bit.ly/JLMGphonebank.

·     Saturday, 10/3/2020 12 Noon – Black Women Are Divine at Norman Houston Park, 4800 S. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, CA – A reclamation of Black women’s Divinity in the name of #BreonnaTaylor. A space for Black women, girls, and femmes to receive love and healing through music, food, song, story-telling, poetry, bodywork, talk therapy, and more. People who are not Black women are invited to bring gifts and offerings to express their appreciation and adulation.

Megan Castillo