Demands to End LAPD Practices that Falsely Criminalize Community Members


On January 6, 2020 a Los Angeles Times article detailed an internal investigation that confirms what community members have been reporting for many years, that officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) have been falsely and knowingly entering innocent people into gang databases. LAPD claims to have become aware of the corruption in March 2019, but did not share information for almost ten months. They contend that more than a dozen officers from Metro Division (the same Division cited for racist police stops) have been involved. We believe that the problem is much more widespread. Such corruption has caused tremendous harm to individuals and entire neighborhoods in South Los Angeles and beyond. Black Lives Matter, victims of such abuse, families of those killed by police, and community members at-large are calling for an immediate end to the corruption, the implementation of structural changes and accountability, and efforts to remedy as much of the damage that has been caused as possible. 

We demand that:

  • The Los Angeles Police Department immediately cease the use of gang databases proven to have unjustly criminalized community members, especially Black, Brown and poor people.

  • Chief Michel Moore immediately disband LAPD Metro Division.

  • Chief Moore publicly release the names of all officers found to have engaged in corrupt practices and that they be included on “Brady lists” (do-not-call lists), so that they are barred as witnesses in other cases. 

  • District Attorney Jackie Lacey prosecute officers who have engaged in corrupt practices.

  • The District Attorney and City Attorney to drop all charges against those currently being prosecuted as a result of arrests made by named officers and/or corrupt practices.

  • Individuals currently incarcerated or on parole or probation as a result of arrests made by named officers and/or corrupt practices be immediately released and have their convictions overturned.

  • Attorney General Xavier Becerra launch an immediate independent investigation into the Los Angeles Police Department.

  • The Mayor to establish and fund a "Reparations" unit in South Los Angeles that begins to remedy the individual and community-wide harm that comes as a result of the demonstrated racism, corruption, and abuse by LAPD.

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