DA Jackie Lacey Says Black People Make "Bad Decisions" As Excuse For Over-Prosecution
At the candidate debate for the hotly contested district attorney seat in Los Angeles County, beleaguered incumbent Jackie Lacey did not show contrition for her over prosecution of Black defendants, instead laying the blame at the feet of the accused.
“People have made bad decisions,” Lacey said, ”which requires the prosecutor to respond.“
She apparently does not feel the same responsibility for the bad decisions of law enforcement, including the murder of Albert Ramon Dorsey, killed while naked in a shower, which the Los Angeles Police Commission ruled out of policy. That “bad decision” seems to be okee dokee with the District Attorney. She said she doesn’t “believe in prosecuting people because they made a mistake.”
The “bad decisions” of Democratic donor Ed Buck, leading to the drugging and deaths of gay Black men, was also fine and dandy with Jackie Lacey. The Department of Justice disagreed, stepping in to correct her negligent oversight.
The facts are clear: Jackie Lacey believes that some people “made a mistake” not worth the attention of her office and some people “make bad decisions” and their murder or prosecution is A-OK.
Is that someone who deserves your vote?
Source: Daily Kos
More information: Jackie Lacey’s Seven Deadly Sins