Weekly Email 12/7-12/14/2020

This Week’s BLMLA Actions/Events (12/7-12/14/2020):

·     EVERY SINGLE DAY 9AM – #BlockGarcetti from the Biden Cabinet at the Mayor’s Mansion, 605 S. Irving, Los Angeles – Bring your mask and signs, physically distance, and raise your voice! Make sure the world knows why we must #BlockGarcetti from Biden’s Cabinet. His policing, housing and transportation policies are deadly in Los Angeles and must not become national ones.

·     Monday, 12/7/2020 by 6PM – Submit Public Comment to #DefundLASPD – Join Students Deserve to defund school police and use resources to support student services like counselors, nurses and librarians. Submit public comment here and/or call to leave a message at (213) 443-4472.

·     Tuesday, 12/8/2020 9:30AM – Los Angeles Police Commission Meeting on Zoom at https://lapd.zoom.us/s/289225944 – LAPD is not only brutal in its in-person interactions, but also using technology to further repress and surveil our people. Speak out against facial recognition and surveillance technology. Toolkit and more info through here. Please use the “raise hand” function to speak. To participate by phone, call (855) 880-1246, Meeting ID: 289 225 944. Press *9 to be put in the cue for public comment.

·     Tuesday, 12/8/2020 12PM – #DefundLASPD Public Comment & Twitter Storm -  Join Students Deserve by giving live public comment to support the call to defund school police. Our children need support, not police. 213-443-4472.Twitter storm begins at noon; live comments at 1PM. More information and sample tweets here.

·     Tuesday, 12/8/2020 7PM – Torrance City Council Meeting for #ChristopherDeAndreMitchell at TorranceCA.gov and facebook.com/TorranceCA/ - To make a public comment during the meeting, call 310-618-2404 or you can email your comment in by 3pm to CouncilMeetingPublicComment@TorranceCA.gov. Please make comments demanding justice for #ChristopherDeandreMitchell, who was killed on December 9, 2018 by Torrance police officers Anthony Chavez and Matthew Concannon. The officers still haven’t been fired or prosecuted and Torrance still has no civilian review board to hold police accountable.

·     Thursday, 12/10/2020 7PM – This Is Not a Drill! “Black Protest and Police Violence” facebook.com/blmla – We’ll talk about the long (and current) history of police violence against Black protestors with our own Baba Akili, Joseph Williams and Kahlila Williams as guests. Sister Melina hosts.


Megan Castillo