#TBT: BLMLA's Paula Minor Speaks Truth to Cory Booker & Mayor Garcetti
When presidential candidate Senator Cory Booker came to town to sit down with Mayor Eric Garcetti, our own Sister Paula Minor was there to speak truth to power.
If you can’t tell, that’s Mama Paula, two seats to the right of Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) in this photo.
According to the Los Angeles Sentinel, Minor said that “officer-involved shootings are a large contributor to the trauma in our communities, especially in L.A. which statistically has the highest rate of law enforcement fatal shootings of citizens than any city of the nation.“
In response to the question, “What can government do about gun violence?” she is also reported as saying that “some change beginning with transparency and accountability with law enforcement, but not fast enough,” citing a Los Angeles Times article that stated, “Getting killed by police is a leading cause of death for young Black men in America.”
Sister Minor made a major impact in the discussion, keeping the often too-complacent mayor on his heels.