BLMLA Actions/Events (8/12/2024-8/19/2024):

TUESDAY, 8/13/2024 at 9:30AM – Los Angeles Police Commission Meeting at LAPD HQ 100 W. 1st St. -  Join the LAPC Fails Coalition, including Black Lives Matter-LA, Stop LAPD Spying, White People 4 Black Lives, LA CAN, and allies, as we show up and call out the LA Police Commission for refusing to hold killer cops accountable after they steal our loved ones and take much-needed resources away from our community. Join us in the struggle by making your voice heard during public comment. DEFUND THE POLICE!

  • Wednesday, 8/14/2024 4PM - #BlackAugust Edition of #EndPoliceAssociations Rally at 1313 W. 8th Street -  This week’s edition of #EndPoliceAssociations will continue to honor and commemorate our political prisoners during Black August. Join BLMLA and the families of those killed by police as we chant down the Los Angeles Police Protective League and demand the liberation of our stolen Black brothers and sisters.

  • Saturday, 8/17/2024 8-10AM This Is Not a Drill! on KBLA 1580 AM - This Is Not a Drill! on KBLA Talk 1580AM or - Tune in to This Is Not a Drill! every Saturday 8-10AM.


  • Last Tuesday, the LAPC Fails Coalition, including Black Lives Matter-LA, rallied at the Los Angeles Police Commission meeting at LAPD HQ. The coalition, joined by Stop LAPD Spying, White People 4 Black Lives, LA CAN, and other allies, called out the LA Police Commission for refusing to hold killer cops accountable. The protest highlighted the ongoing theft of lives and resources from the community by the LAPD. Join us every Tuesday to express your outrage and continue applying pressure on the Los Angeles Police Commission.

  • On Wednesdays #EndPoliceAssociations rally we marked the anniversary of the Marin County Courthouse Uprising, led by the courageous 17-year-old Jonathan Jackson in 1970. Black Lives Matter-LA, alongside the families of those killed by police, gathered to honor Comrade Jonathan and continue the fight against police violence. The event was a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for justice and liberation within and outside of prison walls

  • Last Saturday's edition of "This Is Not a Drill!" on KBLA 1580 AM honored the 10-year angelversary of #MikeBrown. Baba Akili hosted live from Ferguson and was joined by our very own Dr.Melina Abdullah, Pastor Starsky Wilson, and Rosa Clemente for a conversation reflecting on the impact of Michael Brown's death. Missed it? Watch here or listen to BLM’s This Is Not a Drill! wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Last Sunday morning, BLMLA and BLM Grassroots marched in solidarity with Palestinian comrades for the Disrupt Fossil Fuels for Gaza! protest in El Segundo. The march, organized in partnership with Students for Justice in Palestine, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, and White People 4 Black Lives, was a direct action against war profiteers benefiting from the ongoing violence in Gaza. The event underscored the continued genocide being waged on the Palestinian people and the urgent need for a #FreePalestine.

  • Last Sunday evening, we held our monthly organizing meeting at the Center for Black Power in Africa Town (Leimert Park). The meeting, focused on Black August, was open to all Black folks, non-Black allies, and new members. Attendees shared a free hot dinner and took home fresh produce bags, continuing the tradition of community care and mutual aid. The meeting provided a space for collective reflection, planning, and action in honor of Black August. Join us on the second Sunday September 15, 2024 for our next monthly organizing meeting!

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